Students Served
The charter schools to which CSGF has provided growth capital served 725,000 students across ~1,600 schools in 2023-24, ~73% of whom are from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
We monitor portfolio network performance across several domains including growth, academic performance, sustainability, diversity, and satisfaction.
The charter schools to which CSGF has provided growth capital served 725,000 students across ~1,600 schools in 2023-24, ~73% of whom are from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
new schools
CSGF portfolio networks opened 63 new schools and served 60,000 more students in 2023-24 than in 2022-23. Across fall 2022 and 2023, they opened a total of 139 new schools.
additional students
In 2023, CSGF made commitments that will enable high-performing charter networks to serve nearly ~77,000 additional students every year going forward. 2022 and 2023 commitments will enable portfolio networks to serve nearly 130,000 additional students in total.
Performance Relative to Similar Schools Expressed as a Percentile, Grades 3-8
CSGF portfolio school performance is rebounding at a faster rate than most other public schools in their states. Using a statistical approach that compares every school’s performance to those of others that serve similar rates of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, the average CSGF-backed school performed at the 78th percentile in reading and 72nd in math in 2022-23.
CSGF portfolio school performance is rebounding at a faster rate than most other public schools in their states. Using a statistical approach that compares every school’s performance to those of others that serve similar rates of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, the average CSGF-backed school performed at the 78th percentile in reading and 72nd in math in 2022-23.
2020-21 data is less comprehensive and reliable than other years; it does not reflect the performance of schools in CA and NY.
CSGF schools
Roughly half of CSGF-supported elementary and middle schools had a higher proficiency rate than the average school in their states.
days in reading
days in math
A study released in 2023 by Stanford’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) found that between 2014 and 2019, CSGF portfolio schools helped their students make gains comparable to 61 more days of learning in reading and 69 more days of learning in math compared to their peers in non-charter schools.
77% of graduates of CSGF-supported high schools enrolled in college in 2023, ~73% of whom are from underserved backgrounds. This exceeds national rates for high schools that serve students from more affluent backgrounds; 71% of students from schools in which <25% of students are from underserved backgrounds matriculated to college in 2023.
portfolio networks
70% of portfolio networks had at least 60 days of cash on hand in 2022-23; their average level of financial security was 138 days of cash.
fully built-out schools
87% of fully built-out schools (those that are no longer adding new grades or sections) can be sustained on public funding with limited philanthropy.
leaders of color
female leaders
57% of the organizations in which CSGF made a new investment since the start of Fund IV are led by a person of color, and 47% of those organizations are led by women.
64% of CSGF portfolio schools are outside the 20 districts in which charter schools serve the highest numbers and rates of students (e.g., New Orleans and D.C). Many are in places like Dallas, Nashville, and Oklahoma City, where opportunity gaps are wide and there are few charter schools.
Over 1,500 leaders and industry experts attended 30 convenings focused on policy, advocacy, enrollment, leadership and other functional areas in 2023. 100% of convening attendees say they would recommend CSGF convenings to others.
Charter School Growth Fund
1390 Lawrence Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80204